How Does R-Mark Certification Benefit Storage Rack And Decking Buyers?
The Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI) recently revised and expanded its R-Mark® Certification program. Originally created in 1999, the voluntary program is for manufacturers of industrial steel storage racks and of rack decking. With the new revisions, R-Mark certification now applies ...
Rack Manufacturers Institute Updates R-Mark Certification Program
Established more than two decades ago, the Rack Manufacturers Institute’s (RMI) R-Mark® Certification program has been recently revised and expanded. While it remains a voluntary program for manufacturers of industrial steel storage racks and of storage rack decking, R-Mark certification ...
Storage Rack Safety: Avoid the damage that can lead to ...
Racks are the center of your operations and you’ve invested a good deal of time and money into their design and layout. Don’t let that all go to waste by overlooking some simple safety measures. If done well, your racking ...
Load Capacity Requirements in the new RMI Storage Rack Standard ...
The revised American National Standard for storage rack, ANSI MH16-1-2021, published by the Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI), includes new requirements for calculating the load capacity for a pallet rack application. The previous standard, published in 2012, calculated capacities using only ...
Adjusting Rack Levels
Initial rack configurations may not work for the long haul. Here’s how to make adjustments. No business stays static over a lifetime, and the same applies to its warehouses. The equipment in a given warehouse may also through changes over ...
Not All Steel Is Created Equal: Why R-Mark Certification Matters
Steel is steel is steel—right? Wrong. And making that assumption when evaluating potential rack suppliers could lead to a system failure if the manufacturer uses a steel formulation that is not compatible with its production equipment. Reputable industrial steel storage ...
The Basics Of Storage Rack Safety Detailed In RMI’s ProMat ...
At ProMat 2019, held this past April in Chicago, members of RMI presented a free, on-floor seminar to attendees. Entitled “Storage Rack Safety 101,” the 35-minute session’s slides and audio were recorded for those who were unable to attend, or ...
Why It’s Safest To Work With A Qualified Rack Engineer
Throughout RMI’s two published guidelines—Considerations for the Planning and Use of Industrial Steel Storage Racks and Guideline for the Assessment and Repair or Replacement of Damaged Rack—repeated references are made about the importance of using a qualified, experienced industrial steel ...
Hour-Long RMI Webinar Overviews Rack Safety 101
Several members of RMI recently hosted an online learning session to educate participants on the fundamentals of rack assembly, installation, operator training, inspections and maintenance. The “Rack Safety 101” webinar—available for free—highlights the best practices in industrial steel storage rack ...
Have Questions About Rack Design? Watch This RMI Educational Session
In a two-part presentation delivered by RMI during MODEX 2018, members shared insights about the current standards for the design, testing and utilization of industrial steel storage racks and answered multiple, common questions on the topic. Entitled “Rack Design: Resources ...