

Review Storage Rack Safety Basics In Recording Of RMI’s MODEX ...

At MODEX 2024, members of the Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI) shared “Pallet Rack Safety 101,” a 35-minute presentation. The session detailed why the safe use of an industrial storage rack system is key to warehouse productivity. For those who either ...
Rack Codes & StandardsUncategorized

Load Capacity Requirements in the new RMI Storage Rack Standard ...

The revised American National Standard for storage rack, ANSI MH16-1-2021, published by the Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI), includes new requirements for calculating the load capacity for a pallet rack application. The previous standard, published in 2012, calculated capacities using only ...
Rack Design & InstallationRack Inspection & MaintenanceRack Repair & ReconfigurationUncategorized

Adjusting Rack Levels

Initial rack configurations may not work for the long haul. Here’s how to make adjustments. No business stays static over a lifetime, and the same applies to its warehouses. The equipment in a given warehouse may also through changes over ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & InstallationRack Inspection & MaintenanceRack Repair & ReconfigurationUncategorized

A Look at ANSI MH32.1

In order to safeguard your employees on elevated work surfaces, you’ll need to follow these standards. In the warehouse, much of your employee’s work will take place in overhead work areas that are designed to maximize the vertical space you ...

Put Over-the-Dock Space to Use

A cost-effective way to making use of empty space, over-the-dock storage is at your fingertips. If things are beginning to get a bit tight in your warehouse or production facility, you might be overlooking one of the easiest places to ...

Planning and Using Industrial Steel Storage Racks: What you need ...

As the state of warehousing and distribution evolves, so too does the equipment that supports operations. To keep up with those changes, the MHI’s Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI) has compiled an updated guide on considerations for the planning and use ...