Tag: Welded Wire Rack Decking

Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

The “Dos And Don’ts” Of Rack Decking

 Rack decking products — such as welded wire, cold-formed light gauge, bar grating, and structural lumber — are accessories placed on industrial steel storage rack beams to span the distance between them. If you plan to add these accessories to ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

How Point Loads And Uniformly Distributed Loads Affect Safe Rack ...

When placed in industrial steel storage racks, a uniformly distributed load is one whose weight is evenly spread over the entire surface of the rack’s beams or deck. Conversely, a point load is one with its weight significantly concentrated in ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Wire Rack Decking Safety 101

Placed on pallet rack beams, rack decking spans the distance between them. The decking, fabricated from welded wire mesh with a support structure of reinforcing channels (or support wires), provides added support to items stored on a pallet. It also ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Understanding Rack Decking Capacity Ratings

Intended to provide additional support for items stored on a pallet, decking products—such as welded wire, cold-formed light gauge, bar grating, and structural lumber—are placed on industrial steel storage rack beams to span the distance between them. Because decking is ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Eight Ways Welded Wire Decking Enhances Storage Rack Safety

Fabricated of welded wire mesh with an integrated support structure of reinforcing channels or support wires, welded wire rack decking enhances the safety of personnel working in industrial steel storage rack aisles (when properly engineered, installed and used in accordance ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Point Versus Uniformly Distributed Loads: Understand The Difference

When placing loads of equal weight in storage racks, it’s important to remember that all pallets or loads are not created equal. Some pallets are designed with multiple boards—or stringers—spanning the bottom surface; others have a foot in each corner. ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Walking On Wire Mesh Rack Decking: Is It Safe?

Is it safe to walk on wire mesh rack decking? In a single word, the answer is “no.” Welded wire rack decking is not engineered for pedestrian use. Because decking often supports loads weighing thousands of pounds, warehouse associates at ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Why Are There Two R-Mark Certifications, One For Rack And ...

Offered as two separate certifications to manufacturers of industrial steel storage racks and of welded wire rack decking, RMI’s R-Mark assures storage rack users that the rack frame, beam and decking capacities shown in a unique design’s load table were ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Welded Wire Rack Decking: Safety Fundamentals

Considered an accessory to industrial steel storage rack, welded wire rack decking is placed on pallet rack beams to span the distance between them. They provide additional support for items stored a pallet, prevent items from falling through the racking, ...