New Employee Training: Teaching The Basics Of Rack Safety
According to 2021 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average rate of recorded injuries among warehousing employees was 5.5 for every 100 full-time workers. That represented an increase of 23% (122,700 cases) of days away from ...
Learn The Basics Of How To Specify Pallet Rack
Regardless of the type of industrial steel storage rack you’re shopping for—selective, drive-in, pushback, pallet flow, cantilevered, drive-thru, dual-bay, work platforms and any other related system—you’ll need to provide several important details to the rack manufacturer. Section 2 of RMI’s ...
How A Material Handling Specialist Can Help Create The Safest ...
While some organizations have in-house expertise and can determine the specification requirements and layout for a new storage rack without outside assistance, others who lack this skillset should consider engaging a material handling specialist to assist with this process. This ...
Planning A New Storage Rack Project? Answer These Questions For ...
Thinking of installing a new industrial steel storage rack? Whether the structure is intended for an existing facility or a new building, it’s important to be prepared to answer a series of questions and provide detailed information to the professional ...
Key Considerations For The Design And Use Of Dual-Bay Drive-In, ...
Designed and engineered for highly dense, two-at-a-time loading, unloading, and storage of pallets of uniform product, dual-bay drive-in and drive-thru storage racking maximizes the available cube of warehouse or distribution center. Because these systems minimize the number of aisles needed ...
Key Considerations For Drive-In Rack Design, Use
Ideal for maximizing the available cube within a facility, drive-in rack is designed and engineered for highly dense storage of multiple pallets of uniform product. Because it eliminates multiple travel paths and access aisles, drive-in rack can create additional pallet ...
Drive-In Racking and Pallets: Two Key Factors Ensure A Safe ...
Engineered and constructed with upright frames and side rails upon which pallet loads of the same product are stored, the safe use of drive-in rack depends on two key pallet factors: size and structural integrity. That’s because drive-in rack allows ...
Why Pallet Quality Is Key To Safe Rack Utilization
Although industrial storage rack systems are specifically designed and engineered to support a given type of pallet and load, simply placing the approved pallet into a storage position isn’t enough to ensure the safety of the structure and facility personnel. ...
The Importance Of Matching Pallets To Rack Type For Safe ...
Products arrive in warehouses and distribution centers on any number of pallet types these days: two-way entry, four-way entry, skids, slip-sheets, nine-block, and more. Some pallets are designed with multiple boards—or stringers—spanning the bottom surface; others have a foot in ...