Tag: ANSI MH16.1

Rack Inspection & MaintenanceRack Repair & Reconfiguration

Why A Bolted Repair Of Damaged Pallet Rack May Be ...

When damage to an industrial steel pallet rack system column or frame has been discovered, RMI’s publication “Guideline for the Assessment and Repair or Replacement of Damaged Rack – Version 2” suggests multiple options for repairing the damage. Among the ...
Rack Inspection & MaintenanceRack Repair & Reconfiguration

Should A Damaged Rack Component Be Repaired Or Replaced?

Rack may become damaged. With forklift drivers maneuvering through industrial steel storage rack aisles with heavy pallet loads of product, it’s not unusual for the rack to be on the receiving end of an impact. But after a damaged rack ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

How Point Loads And Uniformly Distributed Loads Affect Safe Rack ...

When placed in industrial steel storage racks, a uniformly distributed load is one whose weight is evenly spread over the entire surface of the rack’s beams or deck. Conversely, a point load is one with its weight significantly concentrated in ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Rack Beam Deflection Limits Specify The Maximum Permissible Amount Of ...

When a pallet load is placed on the load support beams in industrial steel storage rack, the beams will naturally deflect, or bow, under the load. Because of this, when a qualified rack design engineer determines the requirements for a ...
Rack Design & InstallationRack Inspection & Maintenance

Beware Of Leaning Or Bowed Pallet Rack Columns

While some column distortion may be acceptable in a loaded industrial steel pallet rack structure, if a column is leaning (out-of-plumb) or bowed (out-of-straight) beyond a certain point, its capacity will be significantly reduced. Those conditions are unsafe and increase ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Building Codes And Their Importance To Rack Design

In spite of being a standalone structure, the safety of an industrial steel storage rack’s design and installation is nearly always vetted by one or more local jurisdictions — including state, county, or local municipality. The reason? The International Code ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Thinking About Buying Used Rack? Consider These Factors Before Signing ...

There’s an extensive market for used pallet storage rack, typically made available because its former warehouse home has been shuttered or the system has been replaced. Although it’s true that used storage rack is often priced at a discount over ...
Rack Design & InstallationRack Repair & Reconfiguration

Use Rack Load Capacity Plaques And LARC Drawings For A ...

To ensure a safer, and, therefore, more productive operation, owners of industrial steel storage racking are responsible for posting rack load capacity plaques in conspicuous locations, and should refer to the system manufacturer’s load application and rack configuration (LARC) drawings ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Design & Installation

Base Plates And Anchors: The Foundation Of A Solid Rack ...

Without base plates (sometimes called foot plates) at the bottom of every rack column to provide a surface for anchor bolts to grip when drilled into the floor, industrial steel pallet racks would slide or fall over in the event ...
Rack Codes & StandardsRack Repair & Reconfiguration

Why Mixing Rack Components From Different Manufacturers Is A Bad ...

Pallet rack beams and columns from different manufacturers — while they may appear similar — in fact are not. Therefore, it is never a good idea to mix-and-match components from different racking systems within a single structure. The reason? Doing ...