Learn The Basics Of How To Specify Pallet Rack
Regardless of the type of industrial steel storage rack you’re shopping for—selective, drive-in, pushback, pallet flow, cantilevered, drive-thru, dual-bay, work platforms and any other related system—you’ll need to provide several important details to the rack manufacturer. Section 2 of RMI’s ...
How A Material Handling Specialist Can Help Create The Safest ...
While some organizations have in-house expertise and can determine the specification requirements and layout for a new storage rack without outside assistance, others who lack this skillset should consider engaging a material handling specialist to assist with this process. This ...
When A Floor Isn’t Just A Floor: Why Rack Safety ...
Not all concrete floors are created equal, and not every floor has been designed to withstand the effects of uniformly distributed or concentrated point loads that are applied to the slab when a storage rack is installed on the floor. ...
Planning A New Storage Rack Project? Answer These Questions For ...
Thinking of installing a new industrial steel storage rack? Whether the structure is intended for an existing facility or a new building, it’s important to be prepared to answer a series of questions and provide detailed information to the professional ...