Whether you own an industrial steel storage rack system — or are considering investing in one — ownership comes with a variety of responsibilities. These include ensuring the structure is in compliance with applicable standards and properly maintained for the safety of the personnel working in and around it. In addition to offering a variety of publications (American National Standards ANSI MH16-1 for Industrial Pallet Rack and ANSI MH16.3 for Cantilever Rack) specifying design, engineering, construction, and ownership requirements, the members of RMI have also assembled a list of rack owner “Dos and Don’ts.” Following these recommendations will enhance both the integrity and reliability of the structure, as well as reduce the risk of injury for workers as they perform their tasks in and around the racking.

Rack Owner Dos…

Rack Owner Don’ts…

Want more guidelines for the safe use of storage racks? Purchase RMI’s publications “Considerations for the Planning and Use of Industrial Steel Storage Racks” and “Guideline for the Assessment and Repair or Replacement of Damaged Rack.”