Not every industrial steel storage rack installation is inside the four walls of a warehouse, distribution center or big box store. Instead, some racks are erected outside a building to store goods outside, frequently because of convenience or necessity. Like their indoor counterparts, when they are properly designed, engineered, installed, maintained and routinely inspected, outdoor storage racks offer the same degree of safety and functionality. Storage rack located outside is also subjected to site-specific wind forces and snow loads, in addition to product load and possibly seismic forces. All these factors must be accounted for in the design of the rack.

Best Practices in Outdoor Storage Rack Design

There are, however, some best practice design and use recommendations that can contribute to extending the maximum useful life of an outdoor racking system. These include:

Keep Outdoor Storage Rack in Optimal Condition

Post-installation, safety considerations surrounding the use of rack installed outside include:

Looking for additional information on the safe use of structural steel storage rack? RMI offers guidance in its publication Considerations for the Planning and Use of Industrial Steel Storage Racks.