When damage to a pallet rack beam or column is identified, it is critical that all product stored within the system be removed and repairs made quickly to return the racking to its original safe condition. Before undertaking a repair, however, a rack owner should consider the following three key points to ensure that the system is properly and safely restored:
1. Has RMI’s publication “Guideline for the Assessment and Repair or Replacement of Damaged Rack – Version 1” been consulted? The content of this guide outlines and defines the proper steps for conducting surveys and assessments of rack damage, ongoing reporting of damage and repairs, developing engineering solutions for damaged rack repair or replacement, and repair or replacement installation.
2. Has a qualified, professional engineer been engaged to oversee the repair process? Whether the engineer is with the original rack manufacturer or supplier, or an independent professional, having this expertise to supervise and direct the assessment, design and installation of the ultimate repair or replacement—and to certify that the repaired section aligns with RMI’s ANSI MH16.1-2012: Specification for the Design, Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel Storage Racks—ensures the safest system.
3. Does the entire system need to be updated to the current RMI/ANSI MH 16.1-2012 Specification? The answer to this is situation dependent, and requires an evaluation of the entire system by a qualified, professional engineer. Structural repairs should comply with the requirements of the RMI/ANSI specification for new construction. Existing structural elements that neither need repair, nor are adversely affected by those that do need repair may not be required to comply with the ANSI/RMI requirements for new structures. Best practice is to contact the local building department to determine if a new review is necessary.
Want to learn more about rack repair? Download RMI’s Guideline for the Assessment and Repair or Replacement of Damaged Rack – Version 1.