Designed and engineered for highly dense, two-at-a-time loading, unloading, and storage of pallets of uniform product, dual-bay drive-in and drive-thru storage racking maximizes the available cube of warehouse or distribution center. Because these systems minimize the number of aisles needed for load transport and access, they create additional pallet storage positions for a more effective use of a building’s footprint. (A drive-in dual-bay system allows drivers to load and retrieve two pallets from the same entry point at which they were loaded for last-in/first-out (LIFO) access. In a dual-bay drive-thru system, two pallets are loaded at the same time on one side then unloaded on the other for first-in/first-out (FIFO) workflow, ensuring that the oldest material is picked first.) When thinking of installing such a structure, there are a few key design and application considerations to be aware of. These include:

Have more questions about dual-bay drive-in or drive-thru rack and whether one of these systems is a good fit for your operation? The members of RMI are available to answer questions and offer guidance on this and many other industrial steel storage rack questions.